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What do you do with a last name like Belmondo, which in “la dolce lingua” means “beautiful world?” Well, if you are Daniela Belmondo, a Vancouver based aesthetician, you create a line of organic skin care derived from pure and restorative ingredients, such as organic olive oil from Italy, close to Daniela’s family tree roots, as well as potent healers Organic Calendula, Chamomile flower, Lavender and Rosehip.


The completely natural skin care line, which uses fair trade ingredients where possible, sources wild plants and tests products “only on 2 legged friends, not 4 legged animals” is designed around the daily rituals of caring for yourself and Daniela says, “protects, nourishes, and enhances the natural beauty of those who use my products.”


A yogini who meditates every morning, Daniela’s belief in honouring the earth and honouring ourselves infuses her products. When she sent me a sample package of her goodies, I was arrested by the clean, joyful scents and the sense that looking after myself demanded care and attention be it for even a few moments each day. I noticed how i stopped, slowed down and was more mindful about how i used the contents of the beautifully packaged glass bottles. Perhaps it was the happy scents, the knowledge that these were pure, nourishing ingredients that would cause no harm to my body, the simple, glass packaging, or a combination of all those reasons.

yoga belmondo

Regardless, both the “cloud” facial moisturiser $51.95 and the “dew” facial serum $44. 95 have become daily skincare favourites and I used the lip balm until i could no longer scrape any more out of the bottom of the tube! 🙂

Read on for a short interview with Daniela with healthy tips, what inspires her, as well as a special offer for Yogue Readers courtesy Belmondo Organic Skincare.

Daniela Belmondo Founder

I am inspired by my Mom, because she’s taught me what real commitment is. She has sacrificed in her life and I’ve defiently learned much from her. She is also truly the meaning of unconditional love.

I relax by creating 15 minutes for myself everyday. These 15 mins of uninterrupted time (no cellphone, no computer) is all I need to relax and it’s equivilant to hours of calm and keeps me grounded. I’m better able to give in my projects and to the people in my life. I also relax by preparing a meal. I love being in the kitchen, it literally melts thoughts and stresses away and I feel most present and relaxed when cooking.

In my fridge you will find mostly foods in season and tons of green vegetables (kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, avocado, cauliflower) almond butter, lemons, ginger, coconut milk, eggs, grass-fed meat, (I love to cook and it’s one of my absolute pleasures to stock a fridge well with real food) I mostly remind myself when picking up groceries if my grandmother didn’t eat it or would recognize it I don’t buy it.

I feel naturally beautiful when: I give to myself first.

My favorite beauty product is After the Rain Face Toner. I just love everything about this product and how versatile it is. It literally saved me from my accident sunburn on a recent trip to Hawaii.

My number one beauty tip is: Sleep. Let it go. Being Grateful. Get enough healthy fats in your diet daily and remember to smile, everyone looks better with a smile.

My wish for the planet is for people to be kind to one another, really kind.


Thank you Daniela!!!

To learn more about Daniela and Belmondo please visit www.belmondo.ca.

Lastly! Please enjoy this Special Offer for YOGUE readers. Follow this blog or like our Facebook page for a chance to participate!!!  Namaste + thank you all.


Please note, that while I did accept samples for this blog post, all opinions are my own. Namaste!

Photos: courtesy Belmondo Organic Skincare.